Campaign Strategy - Direct Mailing - Early Vote Chase - Printing Services Graphic Design - Dynamic Websites and Facebook Pages - Yard Signs - Banners
A Plan of Action
The most important aspect of any political campaign is the strategy. The strategy is the story behind a candidate – their history, their beliefs, their personality and all of the traits and characteristics that make them worth voting for.
You should always have A Plan of Action in place if you want to be able to handle any problem that arises.
A sequence of steps that must be taken, or activities that must be performed well, for a strategy to succeed. "A Plan of Action" has three major elements (1) Specific tasks: what will be done and by whom. (2) Time horizon: when will it be done.
(3) Resource allocation: what specific funds are available for specific activities. Also called action program.
"Print Materials Are The Most Powerful Tools for Reaching Voters."
The digital space becomes much more effective when you have the tangible materials to integrate it. More than ever, printed materials hold more value to people because of their ability to retain interest longer and staying power long after you click through.
"Victory isn't Everything,
It's The Only Thing!"
Whether it’s an postcard, invitation, flyer or simple business card – when you blend printed materials with your integrated plan – you’ll see more powerful results.
We Can "Elevate Your Message!"
We can “Elevate Your Message” with dynamic graphics that command attention. Create a look, a feel, and an understanding of who you are.
"One company for all your needs at a significant savings for your campaign."
Coordinating your direct mail campaign with other communication methods is a wise choice.
VICTORY OHIO also has a long history of creating dynamic logos, websites, postcards, political signs, billboards and campaign swag such as stickers, buttons, hand fans, and t-shirts to name a few.
We Can Assist In Every Step
Of Your Campaign
- Develop Targeted Mailing Lists to
Reach the Right Voters
- Printing of Mail Pieces
- Prepare All Classes of Mail
- In Plant USPS Mail Acceptance
"Direct Mail is still one of the
best ways to reach your voters."
VICTORY OHIO is a political design, printing and mail company that will handle every step of your project from beginning to end.
We make political mailings simple by providing design of your mail piece, in-house printing, targeted registered voter lists to ensure you reach the right audience, daily early voter chase, in-house postal services and delivery into the postal stream.
Leave The Daily Work To Us!
We do it all, from downloading daily release of early voters in any county, to addressing and taking it directly to the post office, so your campaign pieces go out the same day.
"There is no substitution for experience when it comes to political direct mailers."
Do not put the success of your campaign into an amateur’s hands. Getting your mailer designed and delivered to the right homes is a detailed, intricately-timed process. Just one small mistake can ruin all your efforts.
We have over 27 years of successful experience designing, printing and getting mailers delivered on time to the people that are supposed to receive them.
Access To Your Info 24/7/365
Online access and search engine positioning is crucial in the political world. We can design a cost-effective powerful website and manage search engine placement marketing and data analytics.
"Let's talk about making you successful."
Online access is crucial in the business world today. A website can give current or new clients access to you and your products 24 hours a day. Websites are cost-effective and can be dynamic advertising tools.
A site can be large with all the bells and whistles, or small with just the necessary professional information. Regardless of your specific large or small web needs, you will want to make sure that any website you make available online reflects your unique presence through branding and identity integration.
Spread The Word
Polybag, Corrugated Plastic or Cardboard.
From elections to propositions. From vote yes to vote no.
Yard Signs provide a cost effective way to get
your message across.
"Yard Signs can expose your name to
25,000 drivers per day"
Yard signs help build name recognition for candidates.
Each sign represents 6-10 votes for the candidate.
Yard signs remind people to vote for you and are able to significantly increase overall voter turnout.
We Are Here To Help! Give us a call to start WINNING today!
JD's Cell: 614.561.5294 I eMAIL: JD@VictoryOhio.com I 7373 Christie Chapel Road, Dublin, OH 43017
Victory Isn't Everything, It's The Only Thing!