Campaign Strategy - Direct Mailing - Early Vote Chase - Printing Services Graphic Design - Dynamic Websites and Facebook Pages - Yard Signs - Banners






Dear JD,

Thank you for supporting my campaign for Republican State Central Committee. Because of your prayers, friendship, help, support, advice and financial contributions, we won together by a HUGE margin. We won Clark County by 67.08%, Greene County by 63% and Madison County by 62.1%. These are extraordinary numbers for a "first-try" campaign against a Governor-endorsed incumbent. We did it together, and now those numbers give us a mandate. I will continue to take your concerns to heart and work hard to express them in Columbus as I strive to exercise that mandate wisely.


I will keep this letter short as I just wanted to give you a big thank you and let you know how mush I appreciate your willingness to make my political voice heard.


Best Regards,

- Laura Rosenberger

Republican State Central Committee, Women, District 10




I wanted to send a word of thanks for your work on the campaign. The EDDM piece found its way to mailboxes across the district although not without some turmoil. It was by far the best piece of any of the four candidates (objectively speaking). A fellow school board member said it was the best school board card she'd ever seen ever.


The absentee chase piece was also fantastic as was the blue/red post card. I've referred a half dozen people to you. The work product was exemplary and I stayed within my $10K budget.


The yard signs also worked out really well.


 - Marc Share

 Worthington School Board Member



Thank you JD,

It was great working with you!! I appreciate all of your professionalism and experience. You really helped me and fought for me.


Thank you!

- Dana Ray

Candidate for Delaware County Prosecutor

We Are Here To Help! Give us a call to start WINNING today!

JD's Cell: 614.561.5294 I eMAIL: JD@VictoryOhio.com I 7373 Christie Chapel Road, Dublin, OH 43017

Victory Isn't Everything, It's The Only Thing!